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English Vocabulary Quiz - Part 59

Published on Monday, June 22, 2015
English Vocabulary Quiz for today :-

1. Gerrymander
a) manipulate votes
b) attack
c) act honestly
d) specialize
e) None of these

2. Protean
a) strong, hardy
b) supportive
c) versatile
d) dreamy

3. Hedge
a) make unnatural
b) limit a statement
c) gamble
d) betray

4. Lampoon
a) dismiss
b) poke fun at
c) enjoy oneself
d) attack publicly

5. Obtain
a) carry
b) do away with
c) accuse
d) be customary

6. Respite
a) fresh attempt
b) pause from work
c) intense hate
d) common practice

7. Ascendancy
a) contempt
b) charity
c) honesty
d) dominant position

8. Hoary
a) unethical
b) cautious
c) ancient
d) noticeable

9. Recrimination
a) mutual attacks
b) hobby
c) illegal action
d) find guilty

10. Brusquely
a) obviously
b) without planning
c) riskily
d) bluntly

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