Computer Awareness Quiz for today :-
Q1. MS Word is:

Q1. MS Word is:
a) A Game
b) Typewriter
c) Word Processing Software
d) None of The Above
Q2. MS - Word allows creation of _____types of documents by default:
a) .doc
b) .wpf
c) .txt
d) .dot
e) None of the Above
Q3. Which of the following is not the word processor in MS - Word:
a) Word Pad
b) Word
c) Word Perfect
d) Word Processor
e) None of The Above
Q4. Which word is used to describe that act of correcting something:
a) Erase
b) Correcting
c) Edit
d) Whiteout
e) None of The Above
Q5. Which of the following is not a special program in MS - Office:
a) Office art
b) Clip art
c) Word art
d) Paint art
e) None of The Above
Q6. Which of the following are valid minimum & maximum zoom sizes in MS - Office:
a) 10, 100
b) 10, 1000
c) 20, 250
d) 10, 500
e) None of The Above
Q6. Which input devices can not be used to work in MS - Office:
a) Scanner
b) Light Pen
c) Mouse
d) Joystick
e) None of The Above
Q7. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS - Word:
a) Down Cursor Key
b) Enter Key
c) Shift + Enter
d) Control + Enter
e) None of The Above
Q8. Which bar is usually located below the title bar that provides categorized options:
a) Menu Bar
b) Status Bar
c) Tool Bar
d) Scroll Bar
e) None of The Above
Q9. Which option may be used to change page - size & margins:
a) Page setup
b) View
c) Outlook Express
d) Front Page Express
e) None of The Above
Q10. Which of the following is not a valid version of MS - Office:
a) Office 2007
b) Office 97
c) Office 98
d) Office 2000
e) None of The Above
Q11. MS - Word is a:
a) Software
b) Hardware
c) Operating System
d) Memory
e) None of The Above
Q12. A Letter, memo, report or other file prepared by microsoft word is called:
a) Worksheet
b) Slide
c) Document
d) Database
e) None of The Above
Q13. If you click on the UNDO button it will:
a) remove the old text and restore the new text back to your document
b) remove the new text and restore the old text back to your document
c) include the new text and remove the original text in your document
d) remove everything from the file
e) None of The Above
Q14. The bar at the top of the window that bears the name of the software is known as:
a) Status Bar
b) Control Panel
c) Menu Bar
d) Title Bar
e) None of The Above
Q15. Name of a newly created word document is _______:
a) document
b) word
c) doc
d) None of The Above
Q16. To cut the selected text _______keys should be pressed:
a) Ctrl + C
b) Ctrl + D
c) Ctrl + V
d) Ctrl + X
e) None of The Above
Q17. In MS Word frame can include _____:
a) Graphics
b) Text
c) Tables
d) All of The Above
e) None of The Above
Q18. Which of the following commands is not applicable in MS - Word:
a) Ctrl + I to Italicize the selected text
b) Ctrl + B to Bold the selected text
c) Ctrl + U to Underline the selected text
d) All of The Above
e) None of The Above
Q19. On how many documents you can work simultaneously in MS - Word:
a) One
b) Two
c) More Than Two
d) Any Number
e) None of The Above
Q20. User can use ______ button to cancel the last ending:
a) Ctrl + U
b) Ctrl + Z
c) Ctrl + Y
d) Shift + U