Exam strategy for IBPS PO V Prelims ;-
Note - From the test series statistics, An average student achieves 70-75% accuracy and score increase as he attempts higher number of questions.

Note - From the test series statistics, An average student achieves 70-75% accuracy and score increase as he attempts higher number of questions.
Start with English section
As I recommended in my previous post, attempt English in the beginning. Never skip Cloze test and Sentence correction.
If you are running out of time then you can skip one Reading comprehension.
Skip Sentence Rearrangement, as they are time consuming.
Allot 19-20 minutes to this section. It is fairly easy to attempt 23-24 questions in this section.
Then attempt Quantitative Aptitude
QT is the most important section of the exam. You need to score 20+ in this section, to crack overall cutoff.
Skip one DI set, as it would be difficult to solve 2 DI sets within allotted time.
Make list of questions that you are going to attempt.
==>> Read QT Strategy here
Skip one DI set, as it would be difficult to solve 2 DI sets within allotted time.
Make list of questions that you are going to attempt.
==>> Read QT Strategy here
At last, attempt Reasoning
Although Reasoning is the toughest section, there are few question types that will fetch you 17-18 marks.
- Inequalities
- Machine input output
- Seating arrangements
- Problems based on ages
Try to skip puzzles, as they are time consuming but if you have enough time then go for it.
==>> Read - how to Tackle Reasoning
==>> Read - how to Tackle Reasoning
Final Tip
Target 100% accuracy