A week left for IBPS PO Prelims exam. I consider Reasoning as the toughest section from rest of the exam.

Before appearing in the exam, answer a question - How many questions you can attempt in Reasoning within 20 minutes?
Puzzle is one of the most difficult part of the exam and it's very difficult to solve a puzzle within 5 minute. Even if you are good at solving puzzles, it will take more than 5 minutes solve.
Easy question types
- Inequalities (5 Marks)
- Syllogism (5 Marks)
- Data sufficiency (5 Marks)
- Series (5 Marks)
- Coding decoding (5 Marks)
- Problems based on ages (2-3 Marks)
20 questions will be asked from above 5 topics. It's fairly possible to solve these 20 questions within 15 minutes.
It's very easy to secure 12-15 marks from above topics.
Time consuming question types
- Puzzle (5-10 marks))
- Seating arrangement (5 marks)
- Blood relations (2-3 marks)
It is expected that there will be 2 puzzles in Reasoning section. It's a time consuming part, think twice before attempting puzzles. At the time SBI PO, I saw many intelligent students who burnt 15 minutes in solving a puzzle, at the end of day they attempted 7-8 questions in this section. Don't repeat the history.
- Take few (at least 5) full length tests. Take full length tests on Testpanda. If you want to download free tests in PDF, check here.
- Make a plan. Make a list of questions you are going to attempt and decide you target score in this section.
- You just have 1 hours for the whole exam, decide yourself how much time you can invest in this section.
Expected cutoff for IBPS PO V Prelims exam is 45-47 so make a plan accordingly