Hello, fellow banks and other central government aspirants. Greetings from Bankexamstoday. Just follow the rule given by us, and you would swiftly crack any exam, not just bank exams.
Today, our area of focus would be on the English section of the exam. Let’s see about a sub-part in error spotting today. Many candidates fail in this part because of weak understanding of English grammar.
Let’s start with the basics, I personally believe that one who has a strong grasp of basics would certainly crack any exam. So let’s begin with Subject definition, verb definition and gradually increase the level, so that even a layman could become proficient in English.
So, what is a subject?
The subject of a sentence is whom or what the sentence is about and predicate of a sentence is what the subject is doing at a point in time.The boy ate.
The boy is the subject of the sentence because the sentence is telling something about that boy. And what is it telling? It says that the boy ate. So in this example, the subject is “boy” and the predicate is “ate.”
The boy ran after the thief.
In this sentence, the subject is still the “boy.” But the question, how can we know that the subject is “boy” and not “thief” since the sentence seems to be about both the persons?
First of all, to determine the subject of a sentence, first find the verb and then ask “who?” or “what?” In this sentence, the verb is “ran.”
Next, What is a verb?
The purpose of a verb is to be the action word in a sentence.The cat killed the mice
The verb killed is referring to the actions of the cat.
There are past and present tenses of verbs as well.
For example:
The book is on my shelf.The word is the present-tense verb.
Identifying verbs can sometimes be tricky and it may take some time to become comfortable with using them.
10 Golden rules of Error spotting:
RULE 1: Certain nouns possess a singular form but still represent plurality and thus, take a plural verb when used in a sentence.- Example: The Police has come (Incorrect)
- The Police have come (Correct)
- Example: The spectacles is kept on the table. (Incorrect)
- The spectacles are kept on the table. (Correct)
- Example: This is a nine-metres cloth. (Incorrect)
- This is a nine-metre cloth. (Correct)
- Example: This sari is nine-yard long. (Incorrect)
- This sari is nine yards long. (Correct)
- Example: The crowd were unanimous in their opinion. (Incorrect)
- The crowd was unanimous in its opinion. (Correct)
- Example: The jury was divided in its opinion. (Incorrect)
- The jury were divided in their opinion. (Correct)
- Examples: One must respect his elders. (Incorrect)
- One must respect one’s elders. (Correct)
- Example: Which box is kept on the table? (Incorrect)
- Whose box is kept on the table? (Correct)
- Example: No less than twenty people were (Incorrect)
- No fewer than twenty people were (Correct)
- Example: She is one of the least important person in the office. (Incorrect)
- She is one of the least important people in the office. (Correct)
Spot the error in the given sentences:1.
A.We discussed about the problem so thoroughlyB. on the eve of the examination
C. that I found it very easy to work it out.
D. No error.
Ans. A.
A. A. An Indian shipB. laden with merchandise
C. got drowned in the Pacific Ocean.
D. No error.
Ans. C.
A. I could not put up in a hotelB. because the boarding and lodging charges
C. were exorbitant
D. No error.
Ans. A.
A. The Indian subcontinentB. which was previously controlled by the British rulers
C. is free now from the narrow vested interests.
D. No error.
Ans. C.
A. If I had knownB. this yesterday
C. I will have helped him.
D. No error.
Ans. C.
A. These days, a lot of travel delay is causedB. due to the inefficiency and lack of good management
C. on behalf of the railways.
D. No error.
Ans. C.
A. One of the membersB. expressed doubt if
C. the Minister was an atheist.
D. No error.
Ans. B.
A. I have gotB. my M.Sc. degree
C. in 1988.
D. No error.
Ans. A.
A. Having received your letterB. this morning, we are writing
C. to thank you for the same.
D. No error.
Ans. D.
A. If you lend him a bookB. he will lend it to someone else
C. and never you will get it back.
D. No error.
Ans. C.