Question Set. The given table shows the data related to the production and per head consumption of wheat, rice & pulse for six farming families in a village named Ballasherpur in Pre-Vedic Era.
(Surplus = Production-Consumption)
(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(e) none of these
(a) 144
(b) 156
(c) 164
(d) 172
(e) none of these
(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
(a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
(a) 0.25kg
(b) 0.5kg
(c) 0.75kg
(d) 1kg
(e) none of these
(a) 85:108
(b) 92:105
(c) 24:27
(d) 82:115
(e) none of these
(a) 50:59
(b) 55:113
(c) 65:92
(d) 60:71
(e) none of these
(a) 16.66%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 33.33%
(e) Data inconsistent
(a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
(a) 152
(b) 158
(c) 164
(d) 168
(e) none of these.
Total members of all families= 4+8+5+7+8+10=42
⇒ number obtained= 42×8=336
sum of digits= 3+3+6=12.
⇒ Brahmin= 480-(12×10×4) =0
⇒ Kshatriya= 672-(12×7×8) = 672-672=0
⇒ Vaishya = 450-(12×7×5) = 450- 420=30
⇒ Shudra= 504-(12×6×7) = 504-505 = 0
⇒ Dev = 750-(12×6.5×8) = 750-624=126
⇒ Danav = 420-(12×3.5×10) = 420-420=0
Total surplus = 126+30= 156
⇒ Brahmin= 520-(12×9×4) = 88
⇒ Kshatriya= Zero
⇒ Vaishya = 800-(12×10×5) = 200
⇒ Shudra= 210-(12×4×7) = Negative Surplus
⇒ Dev = 550-(12×5×8) = 550-480=70
⇒ Danav = 420-(12×3.5×10) = 420-420=0
therefore it’s quite evident that only two families viz. Vaishya & Dev have surplus more than 100kg if taken rice and wheat together.
Rice:wheat:pulse = 22:30:5.
Look in the table that for a particular family which crop is less comparatively than other families
For Brahmin family, 520/22, 480/30, 80/5= the min of three will be 16 so (22+30+5)×16 kg khichadi can be made.
For Kshatriya family, 480/22, 672/30, 100/5 = the min of three will be 20 so 57×20 kg khichadi can be formed.
Proceed like this with all family, and we will find that Dev family will be able to make maximum quantity of khichadi.
so, per head/ month reduction in wheat consumption = 30/12×5 = 0.5Kg
Danav family consumption = 12×10× (7+3.5) = 120×10.5
Therefore required ratio = 96×11.5/120×10.5 = 92:105
⇒ Brahmin= 80-(12×4×1.5) = 8
⇒ Kshatriya= 100-(12×8×1) = 4
⇒ Dev= 125-(12×8×1.3) =125-124.8= 0.2
⇒ Danav = 110-(12×10×0.8) = 110-96= 14

⇒ Brahmin= 520+480+80= 1080
⇒ Kshatriya= 480+672+100= 1252
⇒ Vaishya = 800+450+120= 1370
⇒ Shudra= 210+504+75 = 789
⇒ Dev = 550+750+125= 1425
⇒ Danav = 420+880+110 =1410
So, Danav has higher production of three crops taken together.
total production of wheat by all families = 3276kg.
Therefore, difference= 3440-3276=164.
(Surplus = Production-Consumption)
Question 1.
If Kshatriya family has just enough rice to meet their yearly consumptions then find the sum of digits of the number obtained by multiplying the total number of members in all the six families by the number of members in Kshatriya family?(a) 8
(b) 10
(c) 12
(d) 14
(e) none of these
Question 2.
What was the total combined surplus of wheat (in Kg) of all the families put together at the end of year?(a) 144
(b) 156
(c) 164
(d) 172
(e) none of these
Question 3.
For how many families the surplus of wheat and rice together was greater than 100 kg?(a) 1
(b) 2
(c) 3
(d) 4
(e) 5
Question 4.
There is a ritual of making a special dish named “Khichadi’’ on the new year which requires mixing of rice, wheat & pulse in the ratio of 22:30:5. Then out of the six families which family will be able to make maximum quantity of “khichadi’ if they can use all of their resources?a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
Question 5.
Out of the given six families which family doesn’t have enough to meet their yearly consumption?(a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
Question 6.
A relative of Vaishya family joined at the beginning of year & stayed with them for a year. If the amount of wheat consumed by relative is 60kg in whole year then by what amount must the family should reduce its per head per month wheat consumption to meet their requirement with available quantity?(a) 0.25kg
(b) 0.5kg
(c) 0.75kg
(d) 1kg
(e) none of these
Question 7.
Find the ratio of yearly consumptions of wheat & rice by the family of Dev to the yearly consumptions of wheat & rice by the family of Danav?(a) 85:108
(b) 92:105
(c) 24:27
(d) 82:115
(e) none of these
Question 8.
Find the ratio of surplus production of a pulse by the family of Brahmin & Kshatriya together to the family of Dev & Danav together?(a) 50:59
(b) 55:113
(c) 65:92
(d) 60:71
(e) none of these
Question 9.
The total surplus production of a pulse of all the six families is what percent of the total surplus production of wheat of all six families put together?(a) 16.66%
(b) 20%
(c) 25%
(d) 33.33%
(e) Data inconsistent
Question 10.
Out of the given six families which family has higher production of all three crops of wheat, rice & pulse put together?(a) Brahmin
(b) Kshatriya
(c) Vaishya
(d) Shudra
(e) Danav
Question 11.
What is the absolute difference between total productions of rice by all the six families put together and total production of wheat by all the six families?(a) 152
(b) 158
(c) 164
(d) 168
(e) none of these.
Ans. 1.
Number of members in Kshatriya family= 480/5×12 = 8Total members of all families= 4+8+5+7+8+10=42
⇒ number obtained= 42×8=336
sum of digits= 3+3+6=12.
Ans. 2.
Surplus of wheat by⇒ Brahmin= 480-(12×10×4) =0
⇒ Kshatriya= 672-(12×7×8) = 672-672=0
⇒ Vaishya = 450-(12×7×5) = 450- 420=30
⇒ Shudra= 504-(12×6×7) = 504-505 = 0
⇒ Dev = 750-(12×6.5×8) = 750-624=126
⇒ Danav = 420-(12×3.5×10) = 420-420=0
Total surplus = 126+30= 156
Ans. 3.
Surplus of Rice by⇒ Brahmin= 520-(12×9×4) = 88
⇒ Kshatriya= Zero
⇒ Vaishya = 800-(12×10×5) = 200
⇒ Shudra= 210-(12×4×7) = Negative Surplus
⇒ Dev = 550-(12×5×8) = 550-480=70
⇒ Danav = 420-(12×3.5×10) = 420-420=0
therefore it’s quite evident that only two families viz. Vaishya & Dev have surplus more than 100kg if taken rice and wheat together.
Ans. 4.
The given ratio is;Rice:wheat:pulse = 22:30:5.
Look in the table that for a particular family which crop is less comparatively than other families
For Brahmin family, 520/22, 480/30, 80/5= the min of three will be 16 so (22+30+5)×16 kg khichadi can be made.
For Kshatriya family, 480/22, 672/30, 100/5 = the min of three will be 20 so 57×20 kg khichadi can be formed.
Proceed like this with all family, and we will find that Dev family will be able to make maximum quantity of khichadi.
Ans. 5.
By question 3, we know that Shudra family has a negative surplus of rice so it simply means that they don’t have enough to meet their yearly consumptions.Ans. 6.
The Vaishya family has 30kg surplus of wheat and relative consumption is 60kg so they need to reduce their consumption by 60-30=30kg/yearso, per head/ month reduction in wheat consumption = 30/12×5 = 0.5Kg
Ans. 7.
Dev family consumption= = 96×11.5Danav family consumption = 12×10× (7+3.5) = 120×10.5
Therefore required ratio = 96×11.5/120×10.5 = 92:105
Ans. 8.
Surplus production of Pulse by⇒ Brahmin= 80-(12×4×1.5) = 8
⇒ Kshatriya= 100-(12×8×1) = 4
⇒ Dev= 125-(12×8×1.3) =125-124.8= 0.2
⇒ Danav = 110-(12×10×0.8) = 110-96= 14
Ans. 9.
The Shudra family doesn’t have surplus production, so data is inconsistent.Ans. 10.
Total production of three crops by⇒ Brahmin= 520+480+80= 1080
⇒ Kshatriya= 480+672+100= 1252
⇒ Vaishya = 800+450+120= 1370
⇒ Shudra= 210+504+75 = 789
⇒ Dev = 550+750+125= 1425
⇒ Danav = 420+880+110 =1410
So, Danav has higher production of three crops taken together.
Ans. 11.
Total production of rice by all families = 3440kgtotal production of wheat by all families = 3276kg.
Therefore, difference= 3440-3276=164.