Hello Students
We have prepared the Agricultural Officer GK Digest for the month of October 2020. In this Digest, you will find the important topics related to the Agricultural Officer exam like schemes related to agriculture, Magazines, Circulars, Current Affairs of Agriculture. For the Preparation of this Exam The "Agricultural Officer GK Digest: October 2020" Digest will help you a lot. This Digest included the following Topics:
- Agriculture Latest Current Affairs
- Important Circulars from the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare
- Important Circulars from Ministry of Rural Development.
- Important Circulars from Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
- Kurukshetra Magazine Summary
- Kurukshetra Magazine Quiz
- Yojana Magazine Summary
- Yojana Magazine Quiz
- Monthly Current Affairs GK Digest
- PIB Summary: September 2020
- People in news: September 2020
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- Check Agricultural Officer A Gk Digest 2020
- If Paid learner of Agricultural Officer GK Digest, directly go to Agricultural Officer GK Digest 2020
- If you are paid learner of IBPS RRB Agricultural Officer 2020 Course, then Go to the course and check Agricultural Officer Gk Digest 2020.