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Coal India Limited Management Trainee (MT) Recruitment 2025

Published on Wednesday, January 15, 2025
 Coal India Limited  has invited applications for -Management Trainee . Today we are providing a syllabus and exam pattern for the exam.

Important Dates



Online Registration commences from


Last Date for Online Registration


Online Examination


Number of Vacancies

Post / s

Maximum Age (as on 30.09.2024)

Total Vacancies







Marketing sales



Personnel & HR



Relaxation in Age Limit


Age Relaxation

Scheduled Caste/ scheduled Tribe Candidates

5 years

Other Backward classes (OBC) Candidates (Non-Creamy layer)

3 years

Persons with Benchmark Disabilities (PwBD)


10 Years


13 Years


15 years

Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen (ESM) category candidates is as per extant Govt. of India guidelines

Notes: The Upper Age Limit is 30 Years as on 30-Sep-2024 for General (UR) & EWS category candidates.The Upper Age Limit is relaxed subject to the condition that maximum age of the applicant on the crucial date i.e. 30-Sep-2024 shall not exceed 56 years. However, there will no age bar for Employees of Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries.





Qualified CA/ICWA.


Graduate in Law of 3 years / 5 years’ duration from recognized University/Institute with minimum 60% marks.

Marketing & Sales

Recognised Degree with 2 years MBA / PG Diploma in Management with specialization in Marketing(Major) from recognized Indian University/ Institute with minimum 60% marks

Personnel & HR

Graduates with at least two years Full Time Post Graduate Degree/PG Diploma/Post Graduate Program in Management with specialization in HR/Industrial Relations/Personnel Management or MHROD or MBA or Master of Social Work with specialization in HR (Major) from recognized Indian University/Institute with minimum 60% marks.

  • For All Disciplines except Personnel & HR – Candidates who have obtained their qualification through online/correspondence/ or part time course or Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode are allowed to apply provided the qualification is recognized by the relevant statutory bodies for employment to posts and services of the Central Government except for Personnel & HR Discipline.
  • Graduation must also be from University / Institute recognized by appropriate statutory authority in India.
  • For the purpose of calculating the aggregate final marks, the aggregate marks of all years / semesters / trimesters would be taken. Rounding of percentage (%) will not be acceptable under any circumstances, hence 60% of marks and above will only be considered i.e. even 59.99% will not be treated as eligible.

Cut - off

  • The minimum qualifying marks for GENERAL (UR), OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) & Economically Weaker Sections (EWS) category candidates are 60%. For SC, ST and Persons with Disability (PwD) candidates, minimum qualifying marks is 55% after giving relaxation of 5%. In case of CGPA/GPA, conversion in percentage certificate issued by University/Institute should be attached without fail. However, Marksheet of the candidate sharing CGPA to percentage conversion formula is acceptable and same can be uploaded.

Service Agreement Bond

  • Appointed candidates are required to serve the company for a minimum period of 60 months from the date of joining the company. The candidates will be required to execute a service agreement bond of Rs.3 Lakhs (Rupees Three Lakhs) at the time of joining. A sum of Rs. 5000/- per month will be deducted from the salary of the MTs towards bond money which will be refunded without interest after successful completion of 60 months of service.

Compensation / Pay

  • Selected candidates will be placed as Management Trainee in E-2 Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 50,000 – 1, 60,000/- at the initial Basic of Rs. 50,000/- per month during the training period. On successful and satisfactory completion of 1-year training period and passing the test conducted for the purpose, regularization will be in E-3 Grade in the scale of pay of Rs. 60,000 – 1,80,000/- at the initial Basic of Rs. 60,000/- with probation for 1 year, if not extended.

Selection Procedure

  • Selection will be based on the marks obtained in the Computer Based Online Test (CBT) only. The details regarding the date of CBT will be intimated through the Admit Card for CBT. The Admit Card will be available for downloading through individual login portal of the candidate and no interview will be held for final selection. 
  • Before applying the candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria. Admission to Computer Based Online Test will be purely provisional. If shortlisted, Candidature will be subject to verification of details/documents and if at any stage, it is found that candidate has submitted false information /fabricated document/ suppressed any fact or does not fulfill minimum eligibility criteria, his candidature will be cancelled without any further reference.

Computer Based Online Test

  • The duration of Computer Based Online Test will be for 3 hours (in one sitting) consisting of two papers (Paper-I & Paper-II) of 100 marks each. 
  • Paper-I will consist of General Knowledge/Awareness, Reasoning, Numerical Ability and General English and Paper-II will consist of Professional Knowledge (Discipline related) with 100 multiple choice questions (MCQ) in each paper. 
  • Each question will carry 1 mark and there is no penalty for wrong answer. No marks will be awarded for un-attempted questions. 
  • The question paper shall be bilingual i.e. in English and Hindi only. However, in case of any error in Hindi version, the English version of the question shall be valid & final. 

The qualifying marks for the CBT

Qualifying marks in the Computer Based Online Test


OBC (Non-Creamy Layer)

SC / ST / PwD

Minimum 40 marks in each paper

Minimum 35 marks in each paper

Minimum 30 marks in each paper

NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE: Candidates working with Government / PSUs / Autonomous bodies have to submit No Objection Certificate (NOC) or proper receipted copy of application to employer seeking NOC to be attached while filling online application form. The online form submitted by attaching any other document in place of NoC / receipted copy of application seeking NoC, will be rejected forthwith.

Exam Pattern


Name of section

Maximum Marks

No. of Questions



General Knowledge/Awareness



 3 hours


Numerical Ability

General English


Professional Knowledge






3 hours

CIL Management Trainee Course by Team BankExamsToday

Team BankExamsToday is offering is a full-fledged, comprehensive and systematic course for the preparation of Coal India Limited's Management Trainee (MT)exams.

Course features

  • Daily video classes
  • Study Material
  • Live sessions
  • Unit tests
  • Special attention to Professional Knowledge & General Awareness section from Day 1
  • Interview preparation guide

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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