Finding best study guides and books is the first step in preparation for any test. If you are looking for best GMAT books available in the market, then I have handpicked best books for you. If you are looking for self study then these are must buy books for you.
Benefits of self-study :-
- Save money
- Study with your own speed
- More practice
- Opportunity to read extra books
The Official Guide for GMAT Review
Although Official Guide is the must have book but it lacks in explaining fundamentals, strategies and tricks to score high. You should complement official guide with books mentioned below.

Manhattan GMAT Complete Strategy Guide Books Set
If you are looking for a full fledged set of books covering every single part of GMAT test then Manhattan GMAT Complete Strategy Guide Set is what you need. This set have 10 books which includes 5 quantitative books, 4 verbal books and 1 strategy book. This set includes six computer adaptive tests and 200+ practice test questions.
List of books included in set :-
- GMAT Roadmap
- Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
- Algebra strategy guide
- Word Problems
- Geometry
- Number Properties
- Critical Reasoning
- Reading Comprehension
- Sentence Correction
- Integrated Reasoning & Essay writing.
Veritas Prep GMAT Series - 12 GMAT Prep Books set

List of books included in Veritas GMAT preparation books :-
- Foundation of GMAT Logic
- Arithmetic; Critical Reasoning
- Algebra; Sentence Correction
- Geometry; Reading Comprehension
- Data Sufficiency
- Advanced Verbal Strategy
- Statistics
- Advanced Word Problems
- AWA and Integrated Reasoning.
Kaplan GMAT 800
Kaplan Gmat 800 is the toughest book available in the market. If you are looking for difficult question and aspiring to join top B-schools then it is a must have book. No other book matches the level of difficulty of questions. Unlike other books which concentrates on fundamentals and strategies, this book will bring toughest and most painful questions. It prepares you for any level of difficulty in test.
The PowerScore GMAT Critical Reasoning Bible
Buying a separate book for critical reasoning questions sounds to be a daunting task but this book teaches innovative techniques to answer critical reasoning questions. I have Veritas set of books, although I am highly satisfied with that but it lacks a systematic approach to attempt critical reasoning questions. This books divides CR questions in 10 parts and explain the strategy to solve every type of question in really easy way.
Best part of this book is the real GMAT like questions. No other book have that much CR questions.

The PowerScore GMAT Verbal Bible
Powerscore Verbal Bible, Critical Reasoning Bible and Sentence Correction Bible is the lethal combination to achieve high score in verbal section. Although this book lacks in practice question but when combined with CR and SC Bible, it becomes better than Manhattan and Veritas study books. This book is really simple yet highly useful.
Kaplan GMAT Verbal Workbook
If you are looking for a verbal book to practice real test like questions then Kaplan GMAT verbal wordbook is a must buy for you.

The Official Guide for GMAT Verbal Review
This book compliments The Official GMAT review. It contains 300+ questions from past GMAT tests. This is the only official verbal review. Many other commercial publishers like Manhattan and Princeton give references to this book. Further two practice tests are free with book. This book is a must buy for all test takers.

The Official Guide for GMAT Quantitative Review
This book comes from the makers of GMAT. This book 300+ questions from past GMAT tests. Questions are arranged according to level of difficulty. This book is appropriate for
beginners but if you are looking for harder questions then go for above mentioned books.

beginners but if you are looking for harder questions then go for above mentioned books.