As all the candidates are confused about choosing right study material to start their preparations, today I am providing list of best books for SBI Associate PO exam.
Get DI workbook, this workbook has 80 fully solved question sets. Difficulty level of all the questions is at par with real exam.
Data interpretation
As only few questions are asked from quantitative aptitude section, so don't buy any book quantitative aptitude.Get DI workbook, this workbook has 80 fully solved question sets. Difficulty level of all the questions is at par with real exam.
RS Aggarwal book is outdated now. I strongly recommend you to avoid RS Aggarwal's book at any cost now. You can buy Nishiy Sinha's reasoning book.Marketing Awareness
To the point and a perfect book for marketing. This book contains all the topics in a simple and lucid language.General awareness
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Banking awareness
Get this book for to the point preparation of banking awareness section.
Computer Awareness
Descriptive paper