Computer Awareness Quiz for IBPS Exams :-
Q1. Microphone is an ________device, which takes voice as input:

Q1. Microphone is an ________device, which takes voice as input:
a) Output
b) Input
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
Q2. People interact with which of the following output device most intensively than others:
a) Plotter
b) Monitor
c) Speaker
d) None of These
Q3. Which of the Word Processing Software we use for preparing documents:
a) Word Perfect
b) MS - World
c) Open
d) All of Above
d) None of These
Q4. In Low Level Language, the term low level means:
a) The quality is so low that large program can not be write
b) To learn and even more difficult to write program
c) Closeness to the way in which machine understand
d) None of These
Q5. A standard language used for commercial applications is:
c) C++
d) None of These
Q6. FORTRAN stands for:
a) Fixed Translation
b) Formula Translation
c) Forced Translation
d) None of These
Q7. Which of the following language is most popular languages among scientific community:
b) C
c) C++
d) None of These
Q8. _______is a structured programming language used for all purposes such as scientific application, commercial application, developing games etc.
a) C
b) C++
d) None of These
Q9. _________is popular object oriented programming language used for general purpose:
a) C
b) C++
d) None of These
Q10. Which of the following file extension is used for Microsoft Word :
a) .doc
b) .jpg
c) .mp
d) None of These
Q11. Which of the following file extension is used for Microsoft Power Point :
a) .xls
b) .ppt
c) .dox
d) None of These
Q12. Which of the following file extension is used for images :
a) .jpg
b) .gif
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
Q13. Which of the following file extension is used for Video :
a) .mov
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
Q14. Which of the following file extension is used for Audio or Sound :
a) .wav
b) .mp3
c) Both of Above
d) None of These
Q15. Which of the following pair is incorrect:
a) Cut - CTRL + X
b) Copy - CTRL + C
c) Paste - CTRL + V
d) Select All - CTRL + A
e) Find - CTRL + F
f) Undo -CTRL + Z
g) None of These
h) All of Above
Q16. VGA stands for:
a) Virtual Graphics Assessment
b) Video Graphics Array
c) Various Graphics Arrays
d) None of These
Q17. Can you lock your file in MS Word:
a) Yes
b) No
c) Never
d) None of These
Q18. For Paste as plain text, you will press:
a) Ctrl + Shift + I
b) Ctrl + Shift + V
c) Ctrl + Shift + K
d) None of These
Q19. Which of the following is correct:
a) ALU - Arithmetic Logic Unit
b) CU - Control Unit
c) CPU - Central Processing Unit
d) All of Above
e) None of These
Q20. SVGA stands for:
a) Super VGA
b) Special VGA
c) Standard VGA