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Banking Awareness Quiz - 20 Questions from Recent Exams

Published on Friday, September 11, 2015
Banking Awareness Quiz for today :-

banking quiz

Q1. Which nationalized bank earned the maximum net profit during 2001 - 2002:
a) Punjab National Bank
b) Bank of Baroda
c) Canara Bank
d) Oriental Bank of Commerce
e) None of The Above

Q2. Who is the ex- officio chairman of 'National Child Labour Abolition Authority':
a) Prime Minister
b) Industry Minister
c) Social Welfare Minister
d) Labor Minister
e) None of The Above

Q3. First Indian Train having ISO 9001 certificate runs between ______:
a) Hazrat Nizammuddin - Agra Cantt
b) Hazrat Nizammudin Habeebganj (Bhopal)
c) Delhi - Kolkata - Mumbai - Kota 
d) None of The Above

Q4. "Food for Work Program" was renamed as _______:
d) MNP
e) None of The Above

Q5. Which sector has the maximum quantum of disguised unemployment in India:
a) Agriculture
b) Industry
c) Trade
d) Transport
e) None of The Above

Q6. Which rank India attains in tobacco production in the world:
a) Fourth
b) Fifth
c) Sixth
d) None of The Above

Q7. Disinvestment Commission in India was firstly established in:
a) August 1992
b) August 1995
c) August 1996
d) May 1997
e) None of The Above

Q8. Central Revenue Board was divided into 'Central Excise and Custom Duty Board' and 'Central Direct Taxes Board' in _____:
a) 1950
b) 1958
c) 1963
d) 1975
e) None of The Above

Q9. Golden Bond Scheme was introduced introduced in the budget proposal of ______:
a) 1991 - 92
b) 1992 - 93
c) 1993 - 94
d) 1994 - 95
e) None of The Above 

Q10. 'Confina' is associated with _____:
a) Canara Bank
b) SBI
c) National Housing Bank
d) Standard Chartered Bank
e) All of The Above

Q11. Consumer Protection Act (COPRA) was implemented in:
a) 1985
b) 1986
c) 1987
d) 1988
e) None of The Above

Q12. ___committee was associated with established new stock exchange:
a) M.J. Ferwani
b)  M. Narsimham
c) S.N. Nadkarni
d) R. Janakiraman
e) None of The Above

Q13. The Headquarter of SIDBI is located at:
a) Lucknow
b) New Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Bangalore
e) None of The Above

Q14. Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI) was established in:
a) 1975
b) 1985
c) 1990
d) 1992
e) None of The Above

Q15. On the recommendation of Kelkar committee, no new RRB was established since _____:
a) April 1987
b) April 1988
c) April 1990
d) April 1995
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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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