Banking quiz for IBPS PO mains :-
Q1. "INDIA's Central Bank" is slogan of:

a) Reserve Bank of India
b) State Bank of India
d) None of These
Q2. CPI refers to:
a) Cost Price Index
b) Consumer Price Index
c) Current Price Index
d) None of These
Q3. "Imperial Bank of India" is the former name of which of the following bank:
a) SBI
b) Indus Ind Bank
c) RBI
d) None of These
Q4. "RAND" is currency of :
a) South Korea
b) South Africa
c) South America
d) None of These
Q5. PLR stands for:
a) Poverty Line Remark
b) Price Lending Rate
c) Prime Lending Rate
d) None of These
Q6. The cabinet has approved the extension of Ex-servicemen contributory health scheme to_______domiciled gorkhas pensioners ex-service men:
a) Bhutan
b) Nepal
c) Tibet
d) None of These
Q7. Which of the following term is not related to Banking/Finance operations:
a) Consolidation
b) Provision Coverage Ratio
c) Commodification
d) None of These
Q8. Which of the following committee was related to Foreign Direct Investment:
a) Dutt Committee
b) N.K. Singh Committee
c) Chandra Shekhar Committee
d) None of These
Q9. The excess of total expenditures over total receipts is known as:
a) Fiscal Deficit
b) Revenue Deficit
c) Budget Deficit
d) None of These
Q10. Which of the following is a Private Sector Undertaking:
a) Cotton Corporation of India
b) Air India Engineering Services Limited
c) Tata Consultancy Services
d) None of These
Q11. CBS stands for:
a) Code Banking Solutions
b) Core Banking Solutions
c) Central Banking Solutions
d) None of The Above
Q12. If you buy a financial instrument in one market in order to sell the same instrument in another market at higher price, it will be called as:
a) Brokerage
b) Arbitrage
c) Forfeiture of Instrument
d) None of The Above
Q13. AER stands for:
Q13. AER stands for:
a) Average Earnings Rate
b) Annual Earnings Rate
c) Appropriate Earning Rate
d) None of The Above
Q14. Which Indian State state has the highest per capita income:
a) Haryana
b) Punjab
c) Uttar Pradesh
d) Karnataka
e) None of The Above
a) 1947
b) 1949
c) 1956
d) None of The Above