Dear Readers,
As you know the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2016 (Tier-I) was held in Computer Based Examination mode from 27th August to 11th September, 2016.
The candidate’s response sheets along with the correct answers are now available on the link given below. The candidates may login using their same User Id and Password which were used during the Examination.Representations against the answers, if any, may be submitted online by 5.00 PM on 26.9.2016 on payment of Rs. 100/- per answer. Representations received after 5.00 P.M. on 26.9.2016 will not be entertained under any circumstances.
Now we are planning to collect the all the question paper of SSC CGL 2016 (Tier-I) in a e-book format. It will be available on bankexamstoday within 1 month. But there is a problem to collect all the question paper within 2 days without your help. We make a google form to collect your SSC CGL 2016 (Tier-I) Roll Number and Password (that is your date of birth). We promise you to keep your information secure. We have protected the response google sheet. Please share your details in the below given form: