1. Sceptic: संदेहवादी
A person inclined to question or doubt accepted opinions; cynic, doubter, questioner, pessimist
Example: The scientist was a religious sceptic and had trouble believing God exists.
Example: The scientist was a religious sceptic and had trouble believing God exists.
2. Contemplate: विचार करना
Think about; consider, ponder, mull, think, contemplate, opine
Example: When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he discovered many ways the company could save money.
Example: When the accountant was asked to contemplate the current budget, he discovered many ways the company could save money.
3. Flagrant: खुला
(Of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive; untied, bleak, undisguised, unstrung, direct, obvious, evident
Example: Going after the personal assets of a promoter is flagrant violation of the principle of limited liability.
Example: Going after the personal assets of a promoter is flagrant violation of the principle of limited liability.
4. Moratorium: रोक
A temporary prohibition of an activity; embargo, ban, prohibition, suspension, stay
Example: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code provides a moratorium on all legal proceedings.
Example: The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code provides a moratorium on all legal proceedings.
5. Albeit: यद्यपि
Though, although, even though, even if, inasmuch as
Example: The Companies Act seeks to safeguard the principle of limited liability, albeit only for a small class of shareholders.
Example: The Companies Act seeks to safeguard the principle of limited liability, albeit only for a small class of shareholders.
6. Reap: प्राप्त करना
Receive (something, especially something beneficial) as a consequence of one's own or another's actions; get, come by, elicit, receipt, procure
Example: This enables manufacturers and retailers to disintermediate the supply chain and reap the benefits of economies of scale.
Example: This enables manufacturers and retailers to disintermediate the supply chain and reap the benefits of economies of scale.
7. Swathe: क्षेत्रफल
A broad strip or area of something
Example: This may bring a large swathe of the informal economy into the tax bracket, thereby boosting revenue collections.
Example: This may bring a large swathe of the informal economy into the tax bracket, thereby boosting revenue collections.
8. Accrue: उपाजि॔त होना
(Of a benefit or sum of money) be received by someone in regular or increasing amounts over time; result, arise, follow, ensue
Example: These will eventually accrue to taxpayers through various government schemes and programmes.
Example: These will eventually accrue to taxpayers through various government schemes and programmes.
9. Intrinsic: स्वाभाविक/ वास्तविक
Belonging naturally; essential, natural, instinctive, spontaneous, cavalier, instinct
Example: A man with a generous heart can see the intrinsic value in something which looks worthless to others.
Example: A man with a generous heart can see the intrinsic value in something which looks worthless to others.
10. Stagnate: स्थिर होना
Cease developing; become inactive or dull; unshackle, stay put, rest, root
Example: Despite an increasing number of students, the money being allotted for education continues to remain stagnant.
Example: Despite an increasing number of students, the money being allotted for education continues to remain stagnant.
11. Penchant: प्रवृत्ति
Trend, tendency, propensity, aptitude, diathesis
Example: At an early age, my annoying brother seemed to have a penchant for getting into trouble.
Example: At an early age, my annoying brother seemed to have a penchant for getting into trouble.
12. Forge: बनाना
Make, build, build up, constitute, manufacture
Example: Abby had to forge her words very carefully when she started to feel upset.
Example: Abby had to forge her words very carefully when she started to feel upset.
13. Topple: लुढ़का देना
Remove (a government or person in authority) from power; overthrow, depose, dislodge, unseat, eject
Example: In 1993, she supported Mulayam Singh of the Samajwadi Party, but toppled him in 1995, becoming chief minister with the BJP’s support.
Example: In 1993, she supported Mulayam Singh of the Samajwadi Party, but toppled him in 1995, becoming chief minister with the BJP’s support.
14. Stark: कड़ा
Stiff, tough, hard, Spartan, unpalatable
Example: The vegetation in the desert is stark because of the area’s dry climate.
Example: The vegetation in the desert is stark because of the area’s dry climate.
15. Bereft: बेदखल
Deprived of or lacking (something); robbed of
Example: The bereft parents felt hopeless when they learned of their daughter’s death.
Example: The bereft parents felt hopeless when they learned of their daughter’s death.
16. Booze: शराब पीना
Drink alcohol, especially in large quantities
Example: Drunks on free booze will have no one to shout at.
Example: Drunks on free booze will have no one to shout at.
17. Mascot: शुभंकर प्रतीक
A person or thing that is supposed to bring good luck, especially one linked to a particular organization or event
Example: Anna had been chosen as the Indian of the Year for being the mascot of the anti-corruption movement.
Example: Anna had been chosen as the Indian of the Year for being the mascot of the anti-corruption movement.
18. Intrigue: साज़िश
The secret planning of something illicit or detrimental; conspiracy, planning, double-dealing, collusion
Example: And therein lies the real intrigue of AI.
Example: And therein lies the real intrigue of AI.
19. Microcosm: सूक्ष्म जगत
A community, place, or situation regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristics of something much larger
Example: All in all, AI is a microcosm of India’s class system, inside one airplane.
Example: All in all, AI is a microcosm of India’s class system, inside one airplane.
20. Whim: मरज़ी
A sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained; impulse, urge, notion, fancy
Example: No tolerance for being hit by slippers when not serving a VIP to his whim.
Example: No tolerance for being hit by slippers when not serving a VIP to his whim.