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Mixed Aptitude Quiz - 9 (For SBI PO 2016)

Published on Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Ques 1.

A vessel is full of mixture of spirit and water, of which 18% is spirit . 8 litres are drawn off and which vessel is filled with water. If the Spirit is now 15%, what is the capacity of the vessel ?
(a) 60 litres
(b) 48 litres

(c) 50 litres
(d) None of these
Ans 1. Let the Volume of mixture be x litres. Amount of spirit in the mixture ( Initially)

Ques 2.

A man can swim in still water at the rate of 4 km per hour. If the speed of water is 2 km/hr how many hours will the man take to swim against the current for 6 km ?
(a) 3
(b) 4
(c) 4 1/2
(d) None of these
Ans 2.

Ques 3.

A trader mixes 80 kg of tea purchased at Rs 15 per kg, with 20 kg of tea purchased at Rs 20 per kg. At what price per kg should he sell the mixed tea in order to earn a profit of 25 %?
(a) Rs 23.75
(b) Rs 22
(c) Rs 20
(d) None of these
Ans 3. Let the  mean cost price of the mixture be Rs x/kg.
Using rule of alligation :

Ques 4.

A man pipes 150 toothpicks in layers so that each layer has 1 toothpicks less than the layer below. If the top layer has 3 toothpicks, how many layers are there ?
(a) 15
(b) 17
(c) 19
(d) 11
Ans 4. Starting from the  top the number of toothpicks in the different layers is : 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, .... which is an aritmatic progression .

Ques 5.

Rs 600 amounts to Rs 720 i 4 years at simple interest. If the rate is increased by 2 per cent, it would amount to ( in 4 years)
(a) Rs 642
(b) Rs 768
(c) Rs 725
(d) Rs 724
Ans 5. 

Ques 6.

A can do a piece of work in 16 days and B in 24 days .With the help of C, they finished the work in 6 days .If total remuneration is Rs 400, A would get
(a) Rs 180
(b) Rs 175
(c) Rs 150
(d) Rs 250
Ans 6.

Ques 7.

A sum of money becomes 8 times of itself in 3 years at compound interest. The rate of interest is
(a) 100%
(b) 8 %
(c) 1 %
(d) None of these
Ans 7. 

Ques 8.

A man starts at 2 p.m. to walk to a place 13 miles off. He walks at a uniform speed till 4 p.m. when he increases his speed by one mile an hour , and reaches his destination at 5:30 p.m. At what speed did he walk during the first two hours ?
(a) 5 2/7 mph
(b) 2 4/5 mph
(c) 3 2/7 mph
(d) 4 1/5 mph\
Ans 8.

Ques 9.

If the interest on Rs 50 at 5 % be equal to true discount on Rs 57.50 at 5% , when is the latter sum due ( assume the period to be the same in both cases ) ?
(a) 3 years hence
(b) 2 1/2 years hence
(c) 1 1/2 year hence
(d) None of these
Ans 9.

Ques 10.

How much should I invest in 24% stock at 85 to get a yearly income of Rs 240 ?
(a) Rs 850
(b) Rs 1000
(c) Value of one share should be given
(d) None of these
Ans 10.

Ques 11.

A man bought a number of oranges at 3 for a rupee and an equal number at 2 for a rupee. At what price per dozen should he sell them to make a profit of 20% ?
(a) Rs 4
(b) Rs 5
(c) Rs 6
(d) Rs 7
Ans 11.

Ques 12.

Hoe much fencing will be required to fence a square field 44100 m2 ?
(a) 840 m
(b) 841 m
(c) 842 m
(d) None of these
Ans 12.

Ques 13.

A solid aluminium ball of radius 7 cm is melted and drawn into a wire of diameter 2.1 cm. What is the length of the wire ?
(A) 4.15 m
(b) 158.1 m
(c) 76.1 m
(d) None of these
Ans 13.

Ques 14.

The distance between two stations A and B is 220 kilometers .A train leaves station A to Wards B at an average speed of 80 km/hour . After half an hour, another train leaves station B towards A at an average speed of 100 km/hr .The distance ( in km) of the point where the two trains meet, from A is .
(a) 120
(b) 130
(c) 140
(d) 150
Ans 14. Let the required distance be x km.

Ques 15.

A shopkeeper earned Rs 504 in 12 days. His average income for the first four days was Rs 40 a day. His average income for the remaining days is .
(a) Rs 40
(b) Rs 43
(c) rs 42
(d) None of these'
Ans 15.Total income for the first four  days
= Rs  40x 4 = Rs 160
 Total Income for the remaining 8 days
= Rs 504- 160 = Rs 344
Hence, average income for the remaining 
Days = Rs  344/8 = Rs 43

Directions :

  In each of the following number series , a wrong number is given find out that number . 

Ques 16.

6132, 1008, 200, 48, 14 , 5 , 3
(a) 1008
(b) 200
(c) 48
(d) 14
Ans 16.  The given series form backwards is :
3, ( 3 + 2)  x 1 , ( 5 + 2) x 2 , ( 14 + 2)x 3,
( 48 + 2) x 4, ( 202 + 2) x 5 ,( 1020 + 2) x 6
Hence, 1008 is wrong.

Ques 17.

16, 48, 144, 432, 1296, 2592
(a) 432,
(b) 144
(c) 2592
(d) 48
Ans 17.  The given series is a gometric progression:
16, 16 x 3, 48 x 3, 144 x 3, 432 x 3 , 1296 x 3
Hence, 2592 is wrong.

Ques 18.

2, 3, 6, 15, 37.5, 157.5, 630
(a) 157. 5
(b) 630
(c) 37.5
(d) 15
Ans 18. The given  series is :
 2, 2 x 1.5, 3 x 2 , 6 x 2.5, 15 x 3 , 45 x 3 .5, 157.5 x 4
Hence, 37.5 is wrong .

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Ramandeep Singh

Ramandeep Singh - Educator

I'm Ramandeep Singh, your guide to banking and insurance exams. With 14 years of experience and over 5000 successful selections, I understand the path to success firsthand, having transitioned from Dena Bank and SBI. I'm passionate about helping you achieve your banking and insurance dreams.

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